Stats on the Oppression of Women
March 8, 2009 by Bryan J. Lair
From International Justice Mission, some stats on how land rights, rape and female genital mutilation are used to oppress women around the world:
The land rights of women, particularly widows, are often violated. “According to Human Rights Watch, Kenyan women constitute 80 percent of the agricultural labor force and provide 60 percent of farm income, yet own only 5 percent of the land.”
“According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, only 16.3 percent of reported rape cases result in the rapist’s imprisonment (RAINN).” In fact, in “cases of rape and sexual assault, the United States has a conviction rate 12 times higher than the world average (Father’s Manifesto).”
“In the Maternity Hospital of Lima, Peru, 90 percent of young mothers aged 12 to 16 have been raped by their father, stepfather or a close relative (UNIFEM).” In addition, “20 to 30 cases of rape are reported each week in just one small village in Peru IJM’s Casework Alliance partner in Peru. Rarely are the rapists held accountable (Paz y Esparanza).”
“Female genital mutilation (FGM) encompasses a number of surgical procedures that involve the cutting, removal or alteration of a woman’s external genitalia.” FGM often leads to “many girls experience severe pain, shock, hemorrhage, urine retention, and ulceration. Any of these side effects of a FGM procedure may result in death for the young girls as anesthetics are rarely, if ever, used (World Health Organization).”
FGM “is practiced in over 28 African countries, as well as in a few Asian countries (UNICEF),” and worldwide “it is estimated that over 130 million women have undergone some variation of Female Genital Mutilation and every year, another 2 million girls are subject to the practice (Center for Reproductive Rights) … A majority of the females who undergo FGM are between the ages of 4 and 14 (UNICEF).”
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