The Doomed US Occupation of Iraq - Will Sadr Succeed, Where We Have Failed? Will Congress Ever Pull the Plug?
Featuring Phyllis Bennis
Position(s) nominated for:
State- Near Eastern Affairs/UN Ambassador
Phyllis Bennis and others spoke with us about recent developments in Iraq. A moment of opportunity may be emerging to end the disastrous US occupation of and war upon Iraq, and we must act swiftly to seize it. Read her recent article Opposing the Iraq Supplemental & Iran Threats and her article written three days later Iraqi Government Fails in Challenging al Sadr Militia -"Surge" Exposed as Failure But New Dangers Rise at the United for Peace and Justice website. Then listen to our call to learn how we can use these developments to force Congress to end it's complicit financing of this disastrous occupation.
Phyllis Bennis is a Fellow of the Institute for Policy Studies and the Transnational Institute in Amsterdam. She is also a nominee on the Progressive Shadow Cabinet for Assistant Secretary of State of Near Eastern Affairs and Ambassador to the UN. Her most recent publications include Challenging Empire: How People, Governments, and the UN Defy U.S. Power, the new pamphlet: IRAN IN THE CROSSHAIRS: How to Prevent Washington's Next War and UNDERSTANDING THE PALESTINIAN-ISRAELI CONFLICT: A Primer (both pamphlets available from IPS at info@ips-dc.org or 202-234-9382).
Action Steps:
Urgent Alert - Very Important Information:
Now is the time to organize house parties, town halls, Congressional office visits, letter, email and phone campaigns to "defund" the occupation of Iraq. Our friends at Democrats.com have organized many peace organizations to promote the Iraq Town Halls.
The "mark-up" (process of changing or amending) in the House Appropriations Committee will most likely happen the week of April 14th and will probably present the best opportunity for shaping the bill with one or more amendments before the bill comes to the House floor in early May. By the time it comes to the House floor, the House Democratic Leadership may already have decided to block any floor amendments being offered (as they did last year). Bottom line:opponents of the Iraq war and providing any additional $ for other than fully-funded redeployment need to be mobilizing now to maximize prospects of being able to offer one or more amendments and get recorded vote(s) in order in committee and/or or on the House floor.
The leadership of the Congressional Progressive Caucus has requested that we specifically ask Members of Congress to:
Cosponsor H.R. 5507 and H. Res. 1028
Pledge to vote for version of H.R. 5507 to be reformatted as an amendment to the impending FY08 Supplemental Appropriations Bill. It will require redeployment of all U.S. troops and military contractors out of Iraq within 1 year of the date of its enactment.
We'll try to get someone to speak on these legislative efforts and the Iraq Town Halls effort being sponsored by a host of peace movement organizations including the Backbone Campaign.
Washington State Residents interested in organizing events or lobbying campaigns can participate in a conference call Saturday, April 5 at noon (Pacific), or email info@backbonecampaign.org. Call our conference line 1-605-990-0400, follow prompts, then enter access code 254273 followed by #.
WARNING: We are up against major idiots like Majority "Whip" Steny Hoyer (D) who questions whether using money to force troop withdrawals is the best approach. "I think policy needs to be changed," but as long as troops are deployed "those troops need to be supported," he said. I say, "Rep. BONEHEAD - how might you suggest we force a change in policy? Or do you really give a rat's ass about policy, the troups or anything but your cushy job?!" Respectfully ;-)
The Backbone Campaign P.O. Box 278, Vashon, WA 98070 206-408-8058 ©2007 Backbone Campaign
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